Thursday, April 10, 2008


Yesterday I wrote a four page love/sex scene! *shock* Good God I couldn't believe it when I was done. It took me like two days to write the damn thing. I have to admit that I'm a little perv and the love/sex scenes (especially the really HAWT ones) are my favorite part of most romance...or any books that have high emotional content. But I sometimes have a hard time writing them. I mean seriously how many times can you use the word hot, or heated, or throbbing. *wags eyebrows* It gets tough trying to make it sound good, hot and interesting. I do have to say that after all that work the outcome was well worth it. I needed a cigarette when I/they were done (and I don't smoke). *wink* *wink*

Anyway, how do you guys feel about love scenes. Do you love it, hate it or does it really matter to you?

Come, come now. Don't be shy I really want to know. *Is seriously waiting for you answer.*


Dana Belfry said...

WOW four PAGES? You're crazy talented!

Lauren Murphy said...

LOL thanks Dana! :)

Traci Flowers said...

I love writing the love scenes. It's my favorite part. lol

I now keep a list of words I have used to keep me from using "heated, throbbing, pulsating...etc" It works so far!

Lauren Murphy said...

Dude...why didn't I think of that?! I'm off to make a list of words. What a clever person. ;)

Katie Reus said...

I personally like writing those scenes. When I first started I didn't, but now it just comes naturally. When I first started writing one of my ms's, I didn't know it was going to be an erotica, it just turned into one b/c apparently that's what the characters wanted. And ditto what Traci said, I have a 'thesaurus' of erotic words next to my computer and I'll go through a scene w/ the find option when I'm done and if a word is too repetetive, I'll rewrite those areas.

Lauren Murphy said...

Katie get out! Seriously that's how I wrote my first one too. I didn't even think I'd be able to write that hot but my characters had other plans and there you have it. :)

Anonymous said...

Well since I have only written two so far, they are not easy for me to write. I enjoy reading them, could devour them in fact, but writing them.... I still have to coak myself out of the closet on that one. By the way... I'm tagging you!

Lauren Murphy said...

MJ you're evil and horrbile and mean!! (But maybe I still love you...)