Today is a good day! The sky has opened, the heavens are smiling down and the angels are singing. Why, you ask? Well, after plugging away for years and years trying to complete a manuscript I have finally done it. Yes ladies and gents the first draft of my MS has been completed. *happy sigh*
I was filled with such a wonderful feeling of well being that I had to go out and celebrate. So I went and picked out new funiture for the living room that we've been wanting to redo since who knows when. Then we went to pick out new appliances for the new kitchen that we will one day have. Later on, me and 'baby daddy' had a coffee date. I love coffee. *sigh*
And now after having shared my happiness I would like to know how many of you have shared in this wonderful experience of having finished a WIP? Come on now, don't be shy. I would love you hear about your own personal experiences.
Thanks for stopping by. XOXOXOX